Leading Learners Multi-Academy Trust

Green fingers celebrated at Reevy Hill

The Gardening Team at Reevy Hill Primary School has been recognised with the highest accolade from The Royal Horticultural Society - the Level 5 Award.

The dedicated team of children from Key Stage 2 have brought to life the school’s values of pride and community through their exceptional gardening efforts.

Gary Stott, Headteacher, said: “At Reevy Hill Primary School, we encourage our pupils to take pride in their surroundings and actively engage with the community. The Gardening Team’s Level 5 Award is a testament to their hard work and commitment.

“They have not only nurtured beautiful tulips in our gardens and polytunnel but also shared their blooms with the residents of our local care home, Beeches. In addition, their collaboration with staff from Wibsey Community Gardens has allowed for the growth of shared skills and knowledge.

“Well done and congratulations to everyone involved.”